What We Do


DKLEVY is a Knoxville based architecture firm with current projects concentrated regionally around the Southeastern US. We are a local firm with global reach, serving clients across the continental United States, Israel and Central America.  We specialize in:

Project Lifecycle

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As a firm, DKLEVY has developed its experiences into expertise through a variety of projects spanning across thirteen states and 3 countries. Our goal is to create timeless designs with practical functionality which is tailored for each of our Client’s personal visions for their project.


Master Planning is the act of documenting long-term goals for a projects layout for future innovation from a variety of perspectives. Each perspective is a lens through which to view a projects relationship between the buildings themselves and its local setting and environments.


DKLEVY strives to bring our Client ’s projects to reality. We design buildings to have personality both inside and out. It takes great attention to details to turn a building into a home. Each decision is carefully woven together to bring our Client’s vision into a reality.


View a variety of senior living community, commercial, residential and religious based projects we have worked on.


Start with a free consultation today!

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Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside.
